It may be “just a cold,” but it’s nothing to sneeze at. And the flu can make you feel downright drained. Fortunately, fast action on your part—including these simple home remedies for colds and flu—can mitigate the misery.
If your symptoms are above the neck—congestion, sore throat, sneezing, coughing—you probably have a cold. If you have all those symptoms plus a fever of 38.8˚C (102˚F) or more, headache, muscle aches, extreme fatigue, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, you’re more likely to have the flu.
What you can do for colds and flu.
No. 1: Drink Up!
Get plenty of fluids. It helps break up your congestion, makes your throat moist, and keeps you from getting dehydrated.Most people should drink at least eight to 10 8-ounce glasses of fluid every day.
Need ideas for something to drink? Try water, sports drinks, herbal teas, fruit drinks etc.
No. 2: Make It Steamy!
You can loosen up your stuffy nose if you breathe in some steam. Hold your head over a pot of boiling water and breathe slowly through your nose. But be careful. Don't let the heat burn your nose.
You can also get some relief with a humidifier in your bedroom. Also try to take in some moisture from a hot shower with the door closed.
No. 3: Blow Your Nose
It's better than sniffling mucus back into your head. But make sure you do it the right way. If you blow hard, you'll send germ-carrying phlegm back into your ear passages, which can lead to anearache.
The best technique? Press a finger over one nostril while you blow gently to clear the other.
No. 4: Use Saline Spray or Salt-Water Rinse
Both can help break up the congestion in your nose.
If you go the rinsing route, try this recipe:
*.Mix 3 teaspoons of iodide-free salt and 1 teaspoon baking soda.
*.Place in an airtight container.
*.Add 1 teaspoon of this mixture to 8 ounces of lukewarm boiled or distilled water.
Next, fill a bulb syringe with this solution (or use a Neti pot.) Lean your head over a basin and gently squirt the salt water into your nose. Hold one nostril closed by applying light finger pressure while squirting the mixture into the other nostril. Let it drain. Then treat the other nostril.Always use distilled, sterile, or previous boiled water when you make this solution. Otherwise you might get an infection. Also, rinse the bulb or Neti pot after each use and leave open to air dry.
5. Garlic
Garlic’s antibacterial and antiviral properties can be very helpful in getting rid of cold symptoms.
Garlic is good for the immune system and helps open up respiratory passages, and also helps flush toxins out of your body.*.Mix together one crushed garlic clove, two teaspoons lemon juice, one teaspoon honey, and half a teaspooncayenne pepper or red chilli powder. Consume it daily until the symptoms subside.
*.Boil four to five chopped garlic cloves in a cup of water and add one teaspoon of honey. Drink ittwo to three times a day.
*.You can also eat raw garlic or use a few drops of garlicoil in your food and drinks.
6. Red Onion
Those suffering from a cold can get relief from home made red onion syrup. To make the syrup, you will need red onions and honey or brown sugar.
1.Slice two to three red onions horizontally. Put one slice of onion in a bowland add raw honey. Repeat the process until the bowl is full.
2.Cover the bowl and leave itfor 12 to 15 hours. When you open the bowl, there will be thick liquid like syrup.
3.Drink a spoonful of the syrup several times a day to get relief from sore throats and other symptoms of a cold.
Hope you enjoy this remedies and get rid from cold
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